3 Ways Chiropractic Can Help with Breastfeeding

Even though it is one of the most natural human functions, breastfeeding can be very challenging. It is a delicate dance between a mom and her newborn with a multitude of variables at play.

Chiropractic care is especially helpful in addressing dysfunction in the baby (rather than the mom) that may be contributing to breastfeeding issues.

I always tell parents "all your baby needs to be doing right now is eat, sleep and poop. If they are not doing one of those things correctly then there is something going on that needs to be addressed".

I address breastfeeding issues in newborns in the following 3 ways:

1) Palate Work: If the baby's latch is painful for mom or difficult to maintain palate work is the best place to start. To do this I gently feel the roof of the baby’s mouth, aka the palate, to make sure it is shaped properly from side to side and front to back. If a correction needs to be made I use very light sustained pressure. Proper shape of the palate allows the baby to latch on to mom's nipple in a way that is comfortable for mom and effective for baby.

2) Check the Cranial Bones: We often think that the bones of the skull are fused together but in fact they are able to move slightly, even in adults. The alignment and movement of these bones may impact a baby's ability to breastfeed. I work to gently guide the cranial bones back into an optimal alignment and unwind any tension accumulated during birth.

*** Bonus: Did you know that when a baby is delivered vaginally the pressure of moving through the vaginal canal helps to shape the baby's head? This is why I recommend chiropractic or cranial work for all babies who are delivered via cesarean. ***

3) Adjust the Upper Neck: The top bone of your spine is called your Atlas and is arguably the most important bone of your body. Your skull sits directly on top of it and it is in extremely close proximity to your brainstem, which controls most of your bodily functions. If the Atlas is shifted out of place this could have an adverse effect on the brainstem and damped the communication between the brain and the body. A chiropractic adjustment realigns the Atlas and enhances the brain-body connection, which allows normal function to be restored.

Overall, having your baby checked by a chiropractor is an excellent way to help ensure your little one is as healthy as possible. Breastfeeding has SO many incredible health benefits for infants, but I know it can be tough. My goal is to help strengthen the breastfeeding relationship between mom and baby by removing any interference from the baby’s system that might make it more challenging to successfully feed.

Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to learn more!


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