Tools & Techniques

There are many ways to provide a chiropractic adjustment! Some people love the “cracking” while others prefer no cracking at all. No matter your preference, Dr. Maddie has a variety of tools & techniques to support you.

  • Manual Adjusting, aka the “cracking” noise! That noise is just gas being released from the joint as things shift back into place. It is nothing to be worried about and it also doesn’t have to happen to create change in the body. A lot of people love this type of adjustment & benefit from the release it provides.

  • Activator - A quick & easy handheld adjusting tool that can be used for everyone, from toddlers to the elderly!

  • Drop Table - A great way to realign the pelvis without any twisting or cracking.

  • Blocks - These help balance the pelvis by repositioning your hips in a way that is slow & gentle.

  • Muscle Work - Most people store tension in their muscular system. If needed, Dr. Maddie will help open up your body through working on those tight muscles.

  • Light Touch - Providing cues to the body through light touch and breathing cues can be a very effective way to support your system to heal itself from the inside out.

  • Cranial Work - This involves rebalancing the bones of the skull. It is slow & subtle but profound. Check out this blog post to learn more.

  • Prenatal Technique - Aka the Webster Technique. This focuses on specific muscles, ligaments and joints that need to be addressed in order to optimally align the pelvis during pregnancy, in addition to addressing the upper back and neck.

  • Infant & Pediatric Adjusting - Dr. Maddie is an active member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and has done much additional training to serve the pediatric population. She uses gentle techniques that help unwind tension in their spines and restore balance to their nervous systems.