Adjusting the Cranial Bones

Why would you adjust the cranial bones and how could it benefit me?

Cranial bones are the bones that make up the skull. We actually have 14 different cranial and facial bones that all fit together and move together in a particular way. Many people don’t know that the bones of the skull gently rock with the inhale & exhale of your breath and with the flow of your cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF, which surrounds your spinal cord and your brain providing nutrients, removing waste and protecting them from impact.

When the cranial bones aren’t moving properly it can effect many of the body’s normal functions, such as blood circulation, CSF flow, lymphatic drainage, connective tissue/fascial mechanics and nervous system regulation. Because of the flow of CSF through the spine down to the pelvis and because of the many fascial lines through the body, cranial work effects the entire spine and even the pelvis. Bringing balance back to the cranial bones helps release stress patterns throughout the system and restore ideal flow throughout the body.

So, how do you adjust the cranial bones? Cranial adjusting is a slow, gentle and subtle process. Because the bones of the skull move so slightly and slowly it involves holding light pressure to create a minimal change that has a massive ripple effect. Many people find it very relaxing.

Who is cranial work good for? This is a trick question because the answer is honestly everyone! But if we are talking about specific symptoms, cranial work can especially benefit those experiencing headaches, migraines, poor sleep, tinnitus, jaw issues, sinus infections, congestion, chronic stress or any cranial nerve related issues. Cranial work is also extremely beneficial for babies! A lot of the work I do with babies involves unwinding tension through the system via the cranial bones. It is even more effective during the first few years of life because the cranial bones are more open and malleable at this time.

If you are curious in trying out cranial work for yourself I am now offering cranial sessions in the office! The first session is only $20 for 15 minute to try it out. Let is know if you want to experience this amazing type of care 💆🏻‍♀️


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