What is Chiropractic, Anyway?
The What, How and Who of Chiropractic Care
Confused about Chiropractic?
Before someone explained it to me, I was a little confused about chiropractic. Why all the cracking? How does that help you feel better? Only people with really bad back pain need to see a chiropractor, right? Is it even legitimate…?
If you have some of these same thoughts, you’re in the right place! Chiropractic is widely misunderstood, and I am here to provide clarity on WHAT chiropractic is (and what makes it different), HOW it actually works and WHO can benefit from chiropractic care.
The What, How & Who
What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a healthcare modality that uses hands-on adjusting techniques to realign the spine in order to improve nervous system function, which naturally leads to improved health & vitality. It focuses on the relationship between the structure of the spine and function of the body, as coordinated by the nervous system. It is a safe, all-natural, non-invasive modality that works with the body to re-establish balance and promote optimal functioning.
It is a science, a philosophy & an art, combining the science of how the nervous system works, with the philosophy that the body is an intelligent, self-healing system with an inborn power to heal, and the art of delivering the hands on chiropractic adjustment.
How does it work?
It’s all about unlocking the power of the nervous system! The reason chiropractors care so much about the alignment of the spine is because inside of your spine you have your spinal cord, and your spinal cord is a key component of the nervous system. Your nervous system is the master control system of your entire body. It is made of your brain, your spinal cord and then all the nerves that leave from your spinal cord & go into your body, connecting to every muscle, tissue, organ, gland, etc… This prominent system is responsible for coordinating the functioning all your other systems and manages how well you adapt to life.
Chiropractic, at its roots, is very simple. It began in 1895 when a man named DD Palmer started paying attention to the connection between illness in the body and dysfunction in the spine. He suggested that if an organ was affected by an illness, it must not be receiving its normal "nerve supply" due to a spinal misalignment. He created chiropractic as a way to realign the spine in order to reestablish the nerve supply. He discovered that misalignments in the spine interfered with the nerve signals going back and forth between the body and the brain. This results in a lack of adaptability which leads to a lack of health, causing dis-ease. He also discovered that by realigning the spine he could remove the interference in the nervous system, which improved the brain-body connection and allowed the body to heal.
What makes chiropractic different?
“Medicine is the study of disease and what causes man to die. Chiropractic is the study of health and what causes man to live.” - BJ Palmer
As a chiropractor my job is not to “fix” you. It is simply to support your body in reconnecting to its own healing power. Chiropractic is based upon the premise that the human body has an enormous supply of natural healing power available through the nervous system. The main concept is that your body is designed intelligently and will always heal if given the chance. Through re-establishing proper nerve function, chiropractic gives your body that chance!
Who can benefit?
Anyone with a spine can benefit from chiropractic care! Chiropractic is useful for infants, children, teens, and adults. It can be very helpful during pregnancy and the postpartum period. It is great for those wanting to feel better in their bodies, those struggling with unwanted symptoms & dis-ease, as well as those who already feel great and want to stay that way! Chiropractic helps with movement, posture, aches & pains as well as digestion, sleep, mood, and overall wellness. There are also chiropractors who work with animals, from dogs and cats to horses and even giraffes!