Safe, gentle & effective

Chiropractic care for pregnant and postpartum mamas

Chiropractic during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most important times to be under chiropractic care. From the time of conception to several months after the birth of her baby, a mama's body is undergoing constant & dramatic changes. 

Chiropractic care enables her system to adapt with greater ease to these nonstop demands. By keeping the nervous system free from interferences, chiropractic care empowers the mother’s body to function at its best, keeping her and her baby as healthy as possible.

Having the spine and pelvis in proper alignment creates the ideal environment for the little one to move, grow and develop. Plus, establishing pelvic balance can eliminate unwanted pain and has been shown to reduce labor and delivery time.

Chiropractic care is a safe, gentle and effective way to address the discomforts of pregnancy, create the ideal environment for the growing baby and empower the mother to handle stress with more ease.

How can chiropractic help?

  • Back pain

    Studies show that 50-70% of women experience back pain during their pregnancy. Chiropractic has been proven to help relieve back pain and restore proper movement to the spine, allowing you to feel and function your best.

  • Sciatica

    The pelvis goes through a lot of shifting and moving as the baby grows and mom’s center of gravity changes. Being able to move comfortably and stay active throughout pregnancy is crucial!

  • Headaches

    Headaches are common during pregnancy and chiropractic can help. Chiropractic care is an all-natural, drug-free way to reduce the intensity and frequency of headaches during pregnancy.

  • Stress management

    Pregnancy is exciting but let’s be real, it can be stressful too! Chiropractic adjustments help regulate the Nervous System and bring it back to a calmer, more adaptable state, making it easier to handle all of life’s stressors.

  • Prepare for labor

    Chiropractic during pregnancy focuses on aligning and balancing the mother’s pelvis. This gives mom the best chance to have a successful physiological birth by making sure the baby has enough room to get into the optimal position for labor.

  • Common ailments

    Chiropractic can relieve round ligament pain, rib pain, pelvic pain, joint pain and muscle tension. In addition, it can help with other common pregnancy conditions including vertigo, sleep issues and digestive dysfunction.

Webster Technique

Dr. Maddie has undergone additional training for treating pregnant women and is certified in the Webster Technique through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). 

The Webster Technique is a specific way of assessing and adjusting the joints, muscles and ligaments of the pelvis. The focus of this technique is to align the pelvis and uterus in the ideal position to provide the mom and baby with optimal stability, comfort and function.

Postpartum Care

Chiropractic care helps moms recover after labor with more ease. Giving birth is a major physical event that causes considerable stress on the mom’s system. Chiropractic adjustments help restore the body, regulate the nervous system and empower your innate healing power. Chiropractic care for new moms benefits both mom and baby! The better you take care of yourself, the better you will be able to care for your newborn. Read more about the fourth trimester on the blog.

Words from Patients


“I recommend Dr. Maddie to every mama and baby. She is wonderful not only as a very skilled chiropractor, but also loving and so heart-centered. I truly feel a total reset whenever I'm adjusted, even when I was very uncomfortable and pregnant! Plus, her office is super relaxing.”

— Lunita V.

“I started going to Dr. Maddie for chiropractic care during my 2nd trimester of pregnancy. She has a wonderful pregnancy plan and always makes me feel super comfortable. Not only does she tweak the things that need tweaking, but she shares her knowledge with you during every visit. I now bring my 9-week-old daughter to see her! We love Dr. Maddie.”

— Ashley R.

Feel your best during pregnancy

Dr. Maddie loves helping pregnant moms by easing discomfort, helping prepare for labor, and providing a relaxing environment to receive care.