New Practice Members
What to expect on your first visit
If you’re new to Awaken Family Chiropractic, or to chiropractic in general, you may be wondering what to expect during your first visit. Let’s go over some helpful information and things to know!
The First Visit
Your initial visit in the office is made up of 5 parts:
Intake & History- First, Dr. Maddie will sit down and talk with you about any symptoms you are experiencing, concerns you have regarding your health, your health history & your goals with care.
Education - Dr. Maddie believes it is helpful to understand how & WHY something works before diving in! She will briefly explain how chiropractic affects your spine, your musculoskeletal system and your nervous system.
Exam- You will complete a physical exam consisting of palpation, a neuro-spinal assessment and several orthopedic tests.
Your First Adjustment - You will receive your first adjustment on the initial visit. Dr. Maddie understands that due to the hands on nature of chiropractic, no two chiropractors are the same, and you need to find a provider that is compatible with your unique needs.
Care Plan - Dr. Maddie will review her findings with you. Then, based on the severity of your symptoms, how long they have been present and the lifestyle factors surrounding your health, she will recommend a care plan going forward. There are different plans & packages available which Dr. Maddie will go over with you.
Other Helpful Info
What to Wear - You will receive an adjustment on your first visit, so please wear something comfortable and moveable. No tight jeans or dresses if possible.
Timing - The initial exam takes between 45 minutes to an hour. After that visits are 15 minutes each.
What to Expect After - After a chiropractic adjustment your system will still be integrating & adapting, so it is important to pay attention and listen to your body. Some people feel energized after an adjustment, some people feel like they need to rest. Your brain and your body will be communicating more than before, so you may become more aware of sensations. After you first adjustment you may feel some mild soreness. Typically, you feel great after getting adjusted and can continue on with your usual daily activities.
Travel and Parking - We are located in the heart of La Jolla Village, which is a blessing & a curse! Because it is such a beautiful destination to visit, there can be traffic coming & going. Please check your map app for traffic and give yourself a little extra time to find parking. There are plenty of 2 hour parking spots around the office and surrounding areas, and plenty of things to enjoy after your visit if you want to stay a while!
Payment and Care Plans - There are several care plan options after you have your initial exam. The various package or membership options depend on your goals, budget and time. There are payment plans available for the packages. The memberships are billed monthly. We accept both HSA and FSA in addition to credit cards or cash payments. We do not accept insurance, but we can offer you a Superbill to get reimbursed through your insurance company. You can read more about that here.
Booking Your First Appointment - You can book your first appointment in a few different ways. If you have any questions or want to talk to the doctor you can call or text the office at (619)776-9603 or email us at drmaddie@awakenchiro.com.
You can also use our convenient online scheduling system to book yourself. You can access the scheduling service here. Make sure you select the Initial Exam & Adjustment option!
After you are scheduled for your initial visit there will be an intake form emailed to you. Please fill this out prior to your appointment so the doctor has time to look over it.