Wellness Care
“The preservation of health is easier than the cure of disease” - BJ Palmer
Feel Your Best.
Wellness care is for when you are feeling and functioning well and you want to stay that way! Stress is an inevitable part of life and regular visits to the chiropractor help you handle all the ups and downs with more ease.
It is so much easier to stay healthy than to work your way back from an injury or illness. The old-school model of health is to wait until an issue becomes unbearable so that you are forced to address it. The new model of health is to take care of your body while it’s already feeling good so that you can optimize your health and live your best life.
Your health truly is your wealth! Without health you won’t be able to enjoy any of aspect of your life.
The goal of chiropractic is to create the right environment for your body to heal itself and stay healthy. Therefore, if can help with a huge array of things! Chiropractic is a great way to reduce or eliminate pain, but that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Some ways that chiropractic improves your life:
It can improve:
Range of Motion
Nervous System function
& more!
It can decrease:
Pain, tingling or numbness
Joint degeneration
Chronic stress response
Inflammation associated with misaligned vertebrae
Nervous System interference
& more!
Words from Patients
“I have been seeing Dr. Maddie for years and she is truly amazing! She listens and genuinely cares about my overall health and well-being.
I have had a few different areas cause me pain over the years, and she has helped me feel better in the moment and long term. When I first saw her, I had bad hip pain that was causing an imbalance when lifting and working out. Today, I have little to no pain, and am completely balanced! I have also had TMJ issues and pain for years, and it was worse than it had ever been before I met Dr. Maddie, who adjusted my jaw and gave me massages to do on my own. Thanks to her, I can finally chew without pain!! I recently injured my shoulder, and Dr. Maddie is also helping me with that.
I look forward to seeing her, not only because she provides amazing care and adjustments depending on my needs that visit, but also because her overall energy is uplifting and peaceful. I highly recommend Dr. Maddie to my friends and family.”
- Jennifer H.
“Extremely intentional with her treatments and knowledgeable in her craft! I started seeing Dr. Maddie just a few months ago and already can feel such a difference within my spine and neck. More length and overall comfort!!”