Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Chances are you aren’t the only one!

If you don’t find the answers to your questions here feel free to contact the email address below. Dr Maddie is happy to help!


Is it true that once you go see a chiropractor you have to keep going?

Yes and no. You don’t HAVE to but it would certainly be in your best interest. It is similar to brushing your teeth. Doing it once in the morning is great. But as the day goes on you encounter new things that make your teeth dirty again. So what do you do? You brush again. You would never expect someone to stop eating and drinking in order to keep their teeth from getting dirty. The same goes for chiropractic care. The idea is that you continue to get adjusted so that you can go out and do the things you love to do again and again without accumulating micro (or macro) traumas that gradually wear you down.

Chiropractic care is a part of a healthy lifestyle, just like exercising and eating vegetables. Once is great, but repetition is the key to lifelong well-being.

Is chiropractic safe for babies and children?

Absolutely! Chiropractic adjustments for kids are very gentle, specific and non-invasive. When adjusting a newborn Dr Maddie simply uses the tips of her fingers to apply gentle pressure.

Why would a baby or child need to be adjusted?

Chiropractic is all about the functioning of the nervous system, and guess what, they have nervous systems too!

The birthing process is not only stressful for the mother but for the baby as well. All of the twisting, torquing, compressing and pulling creates a lot of force on the infants fragile spine, especially if intervention is used during the birthing process. The upper neck region is the most commonly affected area and results in overall distortions in the spine and nervous system. The sooner the distortion is corrected the better.

For kiddos, although they are quite resilient, subtle trauma throughout childhood can affect the development of the spine leading to health issues down the line.

What does chiropractic help with?

The goal of chiropractic is to create the right environment for your body to heal itself. Therefore, if can help with a huge array of things! Chiropractic is a great way to reduce or eliminate pain, but that is just the tip of the ice berg.

It can improve:

  • Range of Motion

  • Sleep

  • Balance

  • Mobility

  • Concentration

  • Nervous System function

  • & more!

It can decrease:

  • Pain, tingling or numbness

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Joint degeneration

  • Chronic stress response

  • Inflammation associated with misaligned vertebrae

  • Nervous System interference

  • & more!

How many treatments will it take?

The length and frequency of treatments vary from person to person. Dr Maddie will evaluate the complexity of your situation depending on whether it’s a newer or older complaint, how badly it is affecting your quality of life, any pre-existing conditions and your overall level of health.

Following her at-home recommendations will speed up the process and create more lasting changes. After completing a course of treatment, continual sessions help prolong the results and prevent future situations from occurring.