Chiropractic & Yoga:

A Match Made in Heaven



Yoga & Chiropractic.

Yoga & chiropractic go hand in hand. Yoga is the perfect way to nourish your spine, activate your brain and strengthen those muscles that help you maintain proper posture. Dr Maddie has been practicing yoga for over a decade and has personally experienced the healing power of this mindful movement.

Alongside chiropractic adjustments Dr Maddie recommends specific stretches, exercises and yoga movements to all of her practice members. By combining at home care with in office care Dr Maddie empowers you to be an active participant in your own health and healing.

If you are brand new to yoga or are limited due to an injury, don’t worry! Dr Maddie is available for private yoga sessions catered to your specific needs and goals.

Book a private yoga session.

Yoga can be life changing when practiced correctly and consistently. Dr Maddie is here to guide you as you explore the healing power of yoga. The goal is to find movements that best support your body and to incorporate yoga into your healing practice.

Sessions are available for individuals or small groups and may be held via Zoom or in person, following all appropriate safety guidelines.