One Powerful Way to Improve Your Mental Health

For a while now I have been taking organ supplements from Heart & Soil. I love their products because they provide the benefit of consuming nutrient-dense organ meat (from a high quality source) without having to prepare and eat actual organs. I have also been receiving their newsletters and find the information I learn from them to be fascinating & helpful! So, this month I will be sharing information from a recent email I received from Heart & Soil.

Because they write things so efficiently I will simply share their words here! Enjoy, and please reach out if you have any questions!

“When it comes to treating mental health conditions like depression, anxiety and stress…

A recent study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has shown exercise to be 1.5x more effective than conventional treatments like medication or therapy.

Now that might seem like an unbelievable statement, but it’s based on considerable data.

Because in coming to their conclusion, the authors reviewed 97 published papers, including 1039 trials and 128,119 participants.

Interestingly enough, they found that higher intensity exercise offered more benefits than low intensity exercise…

And that interventions of 12 weeks or less were most effective, highlighting the speed at which exercise can make a positive change on our mental health.

Now we’re huge fans of exercise here at Heart & Soil… and we’ve always considered it to be an essential component to health… 

But it’s also fantastic to have such a strong study confirm the incredible power of exercise.

By boosting our dopamine and endorphins, exercise can lower our stress levels and give us a feeling of euphoria…

(ever heard of runner’s high?)

And this is something we need now more than ever, because 1 in 5 of us struggle with our mental health. 

Say it with us…

“Exercise is ESSENTIAL for radical health.”

Now like Zoloft or Xanax, exercise also comes with side effects… 

But only the good kind… like improved muscle mass, a healthier and stronger heart, and better sleep.

How many millions of people are currently taking antidepressants or anti-anxiety meds that need to hear this message??

Psychiatric medications are a billion-dollar industry… 

And yes, they might have their place…

But why are they the first line of treatment for anyone seeking help, when a more effective and accessible treatment exists?

Will we ever see a day when doctors prescribe exercise before prescribing medications?

We certainly hope so.”

As a chiropractor I whole heartedly believe the movement is medicine. The more we move our bodies the more we are able to connect with them and feel at home in them. Our bodies are the vessel through which we experience life, which I believe is one of the reasons exercise is such a powerful tool for improving mental health.

Chiropractic care helps your body move more effectively & efficiently, and helps your nervous system stay more regulated in the process. Don’t forget to incorporate chiropractic care to your healthy lifestyle!

And if you want to try out these supplements for yourself, use my referral link and check them out!


Spine Strengthening Exercises


5 Ways to Stay Regulated While You Travel