Did You Know That You Have a 6th Sense?

In school we learn about sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing but did you know that there is one more very important sense that each of us have?

To experience it take your hand and move it behind your back without touching it to your body. Now, how do you know where your hand is? You can't see it, smell it, taste it, touch it or hear it.

If you were told to make a peace sign with that hand how would you know which fingers to move? Again, none of your 5 senses are playing a role here.

You know where your hand is and you know how to move your fingers due to a special 6th sense...

It's called proprioception.

Proprioception is your body's ability to sense where it is in space. 

You have thousands of receptors called proprioceptors in your body, particularly in your joints. The purpose of proprioception is to send information to the brain about how your body is moving, where your body is in space and where it needs to go next. 

Proprioception is the reason we are able to move freely without having to consciously think about it.

The constant stream of information from your body to you brain is crucial for your ability to perform essentially every movement from standing to walking to eating or talking. 


Better proprioception means

  • Improved balance

  • Improved coordination

  • More effective movements

  • Better spacial awareness

  • Improved responses to changes in the environment

  • Better overall function


Chiropractic Improves Proprioception

Chiropractic care is incredibly effective at improving proprioception. 

Inflammation, stiffness and poor posture caused from modern lifestyles can dampen proprioceptive input to the brain. 

A chiropractic adjustment helps stimulate proprioceptors thereby effecting the nervous system and reconnecting the body to the brain.

This provides your brain with new and more accurate information to have a clearer picture of what the body is doing.

Proprioception is just one of the powerful ways that chiropractic care can improve the quality of your life. 

Feel free to share this information or reach out if you have any questions.


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