Why Grounding is Good for Your Health

Go Outside & Kick Off Your Shoes!

When is the last time you walked barefoot on the Earth?

What if I told you that doing so could help decrease inflammation, balance cortisol levels, reduce muscle tension plus improve sleep, circulation, energy levels and immune system functioning?!

Let me explain.

You may not think of yourself as an electrical being but you certainly are. Your nervous system is essentially electrical signals being sent throughout your body at all times. Your heart beat relies on an electrical signal, as does your lungs breathing and your muscles contracting. 

You may also be surprised to learn that the Earth has a very subtle, negative electrical charge. On an atomic level it is full of free electrons.

On an atomic level our human bodies are full of free radicals, which have a positive charge and are the byproducts of the chemical reactions that keep us alive.

An accumulation of these free radicals in our bodies are linked to many chronic inflammatory diseases, such as Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Asthama, Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Dementia, Depression, Eczema and more. 

We can eat foods high in antioxidants, such as blueberries, to help our bodies counteract these free radicals but it is unlikely we will be able to get enough through food alone.

But good news!  "Planet earth is a huge natural, anti-inflammatory" 

When your body comes into contact with the Earth those positively charged free radicals become neutralized by the negatively charged free electrons from the Earth, thereby balancing our systems and reducing inflammation. 

How amazing is that!? 

It is almost like we were DESIGNED to be in contact with nature....

The benefits of touching the Earth are MASSIVE and the risks are close to none. So I encourage you to give it a try yourself. Kick off your shoes and see how you feel!

You can walk barefoot on grass, sand or dirt, hug a tree, pet your house plants, or better yet, find a natural body of water to submerge in. 

Living a healthy lifestyle goes far beyond eating salads and picking up a set of dumbbells every once a while. It means being in tune with how inseparable we are from nature and finding natural ways to support our physical and mental well being.

It is not natural to ignore your needs, to live in a constant state of stress, or to go days, weeks or even years without touching the Earth.

Grounding not only has wonderful health benefits but it is a way to honor our connection with the Earth and return to our natural state of well being  πŸŒŽ

I found this source to be very helpful and insightful. If you would like to learn more please check it out -->   http://https://betterearthing.com.au/what-is-earthing/


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