Chiropractic and Babies!

Why would a newborn need chiropractic care?

Chiropractic is not about back pain, it is about optimal life expression! The goal of chiropractic care is to restore proper alignment of the spine which improves nervous system function and creates a more clear connection between the brain and the body. This process of removing interference from the nervous system is good for ALL people of ALL ages, young ones included!

Let’s think about babies specifically.

The birthing process is intense for mom and baby alike. Most births don’t go as intended and sometimes interventions are used to safely deliver the baby. The force used during labor and delivery, whether it be all natural or through external intervention, puts an extreme amount of pressure and stress on the baby’s system. This stress gets stored in the nervous system and can interfere with optimal life expression.

I always tell new moms that your baby has one job and that is to grow. In order to grow your baby needs to eat, sleep and poop regularly. If your baby is not doing one of those 3 things effectively that is a red flag. The body is designed to be healthy and function properly. When there is a less than optimal function that indicates some sort of interference.

My job as a chiropractor is to find that interference and remove it. I do this using very light pressure with my fingertips or an adjusting tool called an Activator. My goal when working with babies is to find the tension and gently unwind it.

Some indicators that the nervous system is experiencing interference and your baby should go see a chiropractor are:

  • Constant fussiness

  • Reflux

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Ear infections

  • Constipation

  • Colic

  • Turning head only to one side

  • Asymmetrical head

Even when no symptoms are present, baby wellness checks are an excellent way to ensure that your child’s nervous system is free from interference and therefore functioning at its best. This supports neurodevelopment, enhances immune system functioning and helps improve overall health.

Part of the beauty of chiropractic care is that it is completely natural and non-invasive. Far too often concerned parents bring their baby to the pediatricians office and walk out with a medication in their hand. Adding unnatural substances to a baby’s body has greater effects than we know. Choosing to seek chiropractic care prior to resorting to medication may save your child from a chain reaction of issues down the line.

The beginning of life is the BEST time to start chiropractic care! Having a clear nervous system as a baby set the stage for a healthier future.


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