Why Self Care Isn’t Selfish

Self care isn’t luxurious, indulgent or self centered. ‘Self care’ is just that - caring for yourself. Have you heard the expression, "you can’t pour from an empty cup"?. Making sure your needs are met is the ONLY way you will be able to be healthy, productive and truly supportive of others in the long run. The more you can take care of YOURSELF the less you rely on OTHERS and the more you can give from a place of love and abundance.

What Does Self Care Entail?

Taking care of yourself includes your physical, mental/emotional and social well being.


  • Drink LOTS of water. Your weight times (2/3) = the # of cups per day.

  • Eating nourishing food such as fruits, veggies and proteins while staying away from inflammatory foods such as processed foods and sugars.

  • Daily movement. Try different activities to find out what works best for your energy levels and your body. But do something every day!

  • Holistic healthcare services. Chiropractic care, acupuncture, cupping and other holistic healing modalities can help your body function more optimally and avoid needing medications and surgeries.

Mental/Emotional -

  • Self reflection: Recognize what is causing you to think/feel/act in certain ways. If something isn’t working then something needs to change. Without this self reflection we would never understand how we operate and therefore we would never be able to change it.

  • Gratitude: Take time to notice all of the wild miracles that exist in your life every day. In this moment you are breathing, you are reading, you are alive! What a gift.

  • Mornings: Before you jump straight into the day create a little space to connect with yourself. Whether this be meditation, journaling, stretching or just savoring your cup of coffee in peace, giving yourself some “you” time in the morning sets the stage for a better day.

  • Take breaks: Notice your mood and energy throughout the day and stay committed to how you want to feel. It is not selfish to take a break and recharge. Go for a walk, take some deep breaths, rock out to your favorite song, get a massage, read a good book, whatever you need to do!

For example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I am committed to getting out of the office on my lunch breaks because I know that I will feel WAY more refreshed, energized and ready to rock & roll for the afternoon shift if I go for a little walk and take a break. The days where I ignore my needs and work all through my lunch break I feel totally depleted by the end of the day. That’s not fair to me, to my practice members or to my boyfriend waiting to see me when I get home. Take care of your energy so you can show up for others.

Social -

  • Community/Connection: Humans have an inborn need for community and connection. We are social creatures at heart. The pandemic has massively interfered with our natural tendency to be close with others and gather together for support, community and connection. Please tend to this need! Stay in touch with loved ones, get together however feels comfortable for you. A virus may possibly make you ill but social isolation certainly will.

  • Play: Having fun is crucial to a fulfilling life! Laughter truly is the best medicine and play is a key ingredient for a life worth living. Loosen up and let yourself be silly!

Bettering Yourself Betters the World

You and only you can discover what your baseline needs are and how to get them met on a daily basis. Self care is far from selfish. It is the way the you can show up as the best version of you and fully contribute to this life. The next time you start to feel guilty about putting your needs first, or you catch yourself judging someone else for their self care, remember that the world needs more people who are operating as their best selves, and the number one way to do that is to have your needs met.

You are worthy of your own care. You deserve to feel good!


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