The Top 5 Reasons Pregnant Mom’s Use Chiropractic

Pregnancy is a time of massive change and transformation. Hormonal fluctuations, physical changes and constant shifts in a woman’s basic needs, such as rest, food and exercise, makes it an extremely important time to focus on health.

The main reasons pregnant mama’s typically seek out chiropractic care during pregnancy are to have a more comfortable and enjoyable pregnancy and to prepare her body for giving birth. Below are the top 5 reasons:

1)  Back Pain - Studies show that 50-70% of women experience back pain during their pregnancy. Chiropractic has been proven to help relieve back pain and restore proper movement to the spine, allowing you to feel and function your best.

2)  Sciatica - The pelvis goes through a lot of shifting and moving as the baby grows and moms center of gravity changes. Sciatica is a common symptom women experience in pregnancy and it can be debilitating. Being able to move comfortably and stay active throughout pregnancy is crucial! That’s why it is so important to address sciatica right away before it gets worse.

3)  Headaches – Headaches are common during pregnancy and chiropractic can help! Chiropractic care is an all-natural, drug-free way to reduce the intensity and frequency of headaches during pregnancy. 

4)  Stress Management – Pregnancy is exciting but let’s be real, it can be stressful too! Chiropractic adjustments help regulate the Nervous System and bring it back to a calmer, more adaptable state, making it easier to handle all of life’s stressors. 

5)  Prepare for Labor – Chiropractic during pregnancy focuses on making sure the mother's pelvis is aligned and balanced. This gives mom the best possible chance to have a successful physiological birth by making sure her body is ready to go and that the baby has enough room to get into the optimal position for labor. When mom's pelvis is positioned properly then so is her baby, which is essential for natural delivery!


The Need to Regulate Your Nervous System


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