What Makes Chiropractic Different

There are many helpful healing modalities out there and ultimately, they are all aimed at doing the same thing - improve the quality of your life. Each technique has a different way of approaching this goal with a different philosophy behind ‘how’. I personally find the chiropractic philosophy to be the most empowering, the most inspiring and the most holistic of them all.

The philosophy of chiropractic is simple, that the body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism with an inborn intelligence that is always sustaining life and moving you towards health.

Let’s say you accidentally cut your finger while chopping some veggies. What happens to the cut? It heals!

And why does it heal…? Because that’s what the body does!

And why does the body do that? Because there is an inborn intelligence within each of us, called Innate Intelligence, that knows exactly how to protect and repair the body and will always do so if given the opportunity.

The only reason your body ever fails to be healthy is due to one thing and one thing only… interference.

“Nature needs no help, just no interference.” This quote is from one of the founders of chiropractic, B.J. Palmer. BJ is saying that in nature all things work perfectly when left alone. An acorn turns into an oak tree, salmon find their way back to the sea, bees pollinate the flowers, and everything works together in a complex, beautiful choreography. We are part of nature so just as nature works perfectly when left alone, so do our human bodies. If the body is properly nourished, adequately hydrated, well rested and in a state of balance, AKA if it is well cared for, it will be able to handle anything because there is no interference to the expression of health.

When we find ourselves depleted, stressed, overwhelmed or not properly nourished/hydrated/rested, that is when we become susceptible to interference. Our system can’t adapt and we lose connection to our optimal healing potential.

The goal of chiropractic is to aid your body in reconnecting to this healing power. Chiropractic removes interference to the nervous system by restoring proper alignment to the spine. This brings back the full power of our Innate Intelligence and allows for true health & healing!

Never forget that your body is wise, powerful beyond measure and always moving you towards health. Chiropractic simply enhances that incredible healing power within us.


The Vagus Nerve: A Key to Well-being


The Need to Regulate Your Nervous System